Accelerated Reader® Book Lists

The search function will produce an AR Book List based on your input for books in the Learning Resource Center. San Miguel has access to all AR quizzes via a server so students can read any book that has an associated quiz.

  Level:      Level:     

AR BookFinder  opens in new window - close when done

It will match your search term if it is anywhere in the Author or Title field.
Leave everything blank (clear form) and you get all 3318 books sorted by Title.
Case does not matter. McDonald or mcdonald are the same.
Special characters: % means any number of characters, _ means one character.
Level ranges from 0 to 12.

You may print the results or save to HTML. In Firefox, Right Click on the results, This Frame | Save Frame As... save as Web Page | complete. In IE, Right Click on the results, Convert to Adobe PDF. It is much more difficult to only save the search results in HTML with IE.

You may use any combination of fields to narrow your searches.
You do not need to click on the search button - hitting the <Enter> key works, except perhaps for a Mac.

Examples: Author: george  will match first, last, or any part of Author
Author: george, will match George, Jean Craighead
Author: m%don  will match McDonald or MacDonald
Title: case will match Case, staircase, etc.
Author: roald & Title: charlie will match Roald Dahl books with Charlie in Title
Level: 4.2 & 6 will get all books from levels 4.2 through 6.0
Level: 4.2 will get all books only at level 4.2

Level - sorted by level, points, and then title (the LRC list is sorted by level, and then title)
Title - sorted by title, then author
Author - sorted by author, then title

Title (59 page PDF) 329kB Factoids: 2426 Fiction
891 Non-Fiction
Author (59 page PDF) 309kB
Level (59 page PDF) 328kB 86 new by Title
Access 2000 database 804kB Excel 2000 spreadsheet 452kB
Each PDF document will open in a new browser window.

You must have Access/Excel 2000 (Office 2000, 9.0) or higher. Office 2003, XP, 2000 will work. Access 97 or Access 95 will not work. The Access and Excel lists are current as of June 2007 when 86 AR books/quizzes were added.

Columbia AR book list in Access 2000 (628kB) and Excel (327kB). Columbia Middle homepage

What is Accelerated Reader?

Accelerated Reader® (AR) from Renaissance Learning™ is a computer program that helps teachers and librarians manage and monitor students' reading. The student reads a book within his assigned range and then takes a short multiple choice quiz on the computer. These results are then used by teachers and parents to direct ongoing reading practice.

With AR, the choice of books makes reading a much more enjoyable experience, rather than having one assigned. Teachers, librarians, and parents working with AR help your child choose books that are challenging without being frustrating, ensuring that your child can pass quizzes and be successful. Best of all, they learn and grow at their own pace.

So parents, get involved and suggest AR books for your child(ren) to read and monitor their progress. When they have finished the book and passed the quiz, they have that pride of achieving the goal of mastering comprehension of a book. You'll hear “I did it!” many times during the school year.

Your child has taken a STAR Reading® test to determine reading level at the beginning of the school year. A reading range has been assigned to your child based on this test. For example, with a range of 4.1 to 5.7, he or she may check out any of the books in the Learning Resource Center, however to accumulate points toward awards, s(he) must select a book within that range in the AR list. Children are retested to gauge their progress once each quarter.

®Accelerated Reader and STAR Reading are registered to Renaissance Learning™


As an incentive for students to expand and improve their reading, race cars will be posted on the Accelerated Raceway in the school office, and awards are given for achieving the following:

45 points - Certificate
75 points - Bronze Medal
110 points - Silver Medal
150 points - Gold Medal
200 points - Principal's Award (trophy) and Gold Medal

LRC hours are the following:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.
and closed on Fridays.
